Category: Money making

save money on student loan
College is both exciting and nerve-wracking time as this is a big turning point in one’s life. However, coming out of college can be overwhelming due to, beyond everything else, the student loans. This is a big transition and then to have loans thrown on top, can be a huge weight on your shoulders. But […]
The Samsung Galaxy S20 line has been recently released along with the rumors of the newest Iphone 12 that will be rolling out later this year, which many people will flock to buy them because they are new and exciting. Many of those people will also be the ones that then wonder where their money […]
Save money on cellphone bill
Who doesn’t want the newest and latest phones? One of the biggest bills is usually is around the cellphone. Trying to find ways to decrease this can be tricky. However, there are ways to minimize the overall cost. With just a simple conversation with your carrier rep or a little research, you can save money […]
Something starts falling apart around the household and you go to call a repair company, but is it really needed? Becoming a DIYer can save you a lot of money in the long run, as well as time. Now this isn’t for everything that goes wrong in the house as certain things can be complex. […]
brown bagging lunches
Can you actually save money with brown bagging lunch? This becomes a common question of how much can actually be saved by brown bagging a lunch rather than going out to eat. The argument was brought forth on Lifehacker that brown bagging lunches aren’t free. Which then spurred a debate on the actual costs. Overall, […]
I feel like when I was growing up, I was always told how bad credit cards were and that I shouldn’t use them. But actually one of the biggest ways that we have saved money is by using our credit card smartly. If you use credit cards responsibly, then it can make a difference in […]
One of the most common ways to save money that you see online is through the 52 week challenge. The premise is simple, for each week of the year you add the corresponding dollar amount. So week one you add $1 to the savings fund, week 2 you add $2 to the savings fund, and […]
Most people fall within one of two categories, either they want to keep their decorations up or they want to get them down as quick as possible. No matter which category you fall into, you should start thinking about next year. I know what you’re thinking, that seems absurd. But starting to plan ahead can […]
saving money on gifts
The season of giving is upon us! The problem many people face with this is that they don’t plan ahead or budget for this. There may be a little bit of buffer but it may not be much. It can be almost overwhelming at times. But the important thing to remember is that above all […]
Avoid stress shopping
Have a stressful day? Week? A lot of people will jump to retail therapy to help. I’m here to tell you, put down the credit card! Many of us jump to shopping during periods of stress because it provides a sense of control. It is incredibly easy in this day and age for retail therapy […]