Category: Money making

Trying to build any type of savings or wealth, simply put, is about making smart decisions. This is a very basic concept by nature which makes it easier to follow; however, it also puts more stress on each decision. Often times it comes down to adjusting one’s own mindset. There are a lot of different […]
If you are constantly looking for a new stream of quick cash then the answer could be sitting in your closet right now. If you are like me and everyone else, you have things that you have bought in the past that you know you will never use and then finds itself packed away in […]
One of the easiest and possibly relaxing ways of saving money is to start gardening. This is a method that will save you money for a good portion of the year. If you’ve read through some of my other posts, you will know that I’m big into watching things grow. Even as far as going […]
One of the most popular date night activities is going to the movies. However, this can be expensive especially in this day and age. It is not uncommon to drop $30-40 at the movies per trip. But there can be money-saving strategies that can be incorporated into movie night. Just because you were trying to […]
As of today, The senate has passed the latest 1.9 trillion Covid relief bill which will go to the House of Representatives for a final vote. Then if it passes, it will go to President Biden’s desk for signature. Part of the new Covid relief bill is stimulus checks to a certain segment of the […]
Prior to 2020, I hadn’t invested much directly. I had put money into a retirement fund that was provided by my work but that was the extent of it. I had read a lot of Dave Ramsey’s books and articles and the importance of investing. And much I have learned a lot in a short […]
So with it being right after the New Year, it is a good time to re-evaluate expenses and a budget. This is especially after the year we all had with 2021. Budgets should always be updated at least once a year if not more often. If possible, re-evaluated monthly or every quarter is better. Creating […]
We have entered interesting times, to say the least, where it can be difficult to take vacations and travel. But we often overlook what is right around our area or state. Not only is traveling difficult but can be more expensive as well. Many people have been working on saving money and vacations don’t always […]
If you are a Verizon customer then you may be in luck with an upcoming change. Verizon has one of the widest coverage areas of all of the cellular carriers, both for 4g and 5g coverage. Along with this, they have partnered with Disney in the past. Last year, Verizon partnered with Disney to provide […]
Making short term goals
One of the biggest problems with budgeting or trying to bump up your savings is going to be overreaching. What am I mean by this is that they try to shoot for a big or far-reaching goal which can be unattainable at times. When creating a budget, you need to be able to stick to […]