Tag: money-saving

One of the easiest and possibly relaxing ways of saving money is to start gardening. This is a method that will save you money for a good portion of the year. If you’ve read through some of my other posts, you will know that I’m big into watching things grow. Even as far as going […]
One of the most popular date night activities is going to the movies. However, this can be expensive especially in this day and age. It is not uncommon to drop $30-40 at the movies per trip. But there can be money-saving strategies that can be incorporated into movie night. Just because you were trying to […]
So with it being right after the New Year, it is a good time to re-evaluate expenses and a budget. This is especially after the year we all had with 2021. Budgets should always be updated at least once a year if not more often. If possible, re-evaluated monthly or every quarter is better. Creating […]
We have entered interesting times, to say the least, where it can be difficult to take vacations and travel. But we often overlook what is right around our area or state. Not only is traveling difficult but can be more expensive as well. Many people have been working on saving money and vacations don’t always […]
Making short term goals
One of the biggest problems with budgeting or trying to bump up your savings is going to be overreaching. What am I mean by this is that they try to shoot for a big or far-reaching goal which can be unattainable at times. When creating a budget, you need to be able to stick to […]
The Samsung Galaxy S20 line has been recently released along with the rumors of the newest Iphone 12 that will be rolling out later this year, which many people will flock to buy them because they are new and exciting. Many of those people will also be the ones that then wonder where their money […]
Something starts falling apart around the household and you go to call a repair company, but is it really needed? Becoming a DIYer can save you a lot of money in the long run, as well as time. Now this isn’t for everything that goes wrong in the house as certain things can be complex. […]
I feel like when I was growing up, I was always told how bad credit cards were and that I shouldn’t use them. But actually one of the biggest ways that we have saved money is by using our credit card smartly. If you use credit cards responsibly, then it can make a difference in […]
One of the most common ways to save money that you see online is through the 52 week challenge. The premise is simple, for each week of the year you add the corresponding dollar amount. So week one you add $1 to the savings fund, week 2 you add $2 to the savings fund, and […]
Most people fall within one of two categories, either they want to keep their decorations up or they want to get them down as quick as possible. No matter which category you fall into, you should start thinking about next year. I know what you’re thinking, that seems absurd. But starting to plan ahead can […]