Walt Disney always said that the Disney parks would continue to change over time. And we have seen this time and time again with rides. But now we are seeing this expanded to the team members. Whether you’re happy, sad, or indifferent, you have to admit society has come a long way. This has become more apparent in the Disney parks and the recent change with more of a Disney inclusion dress code.
What does this mean for cast members?
It means that they will have a little more expression in their appearance. This doesn’t seem like a change but for the cast members it is. There will still be restrictions on their appearance as this is nothing new when working for a large business. However, it will open up opportunities that weren’t there for a lot of individuals.
What changes were made?
The first change made was so that gender-neutral haircuts are now acceptable. Then, the second big change was visible tattoos which had previously been banned. Jewelry and nail styles have also been more relaxed. There has been a big shift in the inclusion at Disney parks. The last change will be a more relaxed ability to choose one’s costume. There are likely still some limitations to the extent of the changes, but progress has been made.

For instance, tattoos can not be on head, face, neck and can not depict offensive/inappropriate language or images or nudity. Nails will need to be cleaned and solid color without decals or charms. And can not be beyond ¼ inch beyond the finger tip. Hair has to be maintained and should be natural hair colors but may have lined or shapes shaved.
This is the fifth key of Disney
Disney has four keys that it has abided by for years: Courtesy, efficiency, safety, and show. These are the 4 principles or traditions that started with the beginning of the Disney parks. Disney has expanded these to include a fifth key: inclusion. This is Disney’s push so that everyone feels comfortable and incorporated into the Disney family. By cast members being able to feel included, they are likely going to feel more like a team or family. This can be a key tenant of business for everyone to feel included.
For all the changes that have come along in the past couple of years, This was a natural progression with the Disney inclusion dress code change.