
Welcome all to the start of Saving For The Kingdom!

This is the “groundbreaking” post to start the official launch of Saving for the Kingdoms! I thought a deserving date to kick this blog off was on 6/26 after my favorite little genetically engineered, alien life form… I mean who doesn’t love Experiment 626! The goal of this site is it to show ways that I have use to save extra money for our upcoming Disney trip as well as provide trip planning tips and some Disney news. The focus will be more for Disney world as that is the one that my family go to (at this point, eventually will make it to Disneyland). For those that stay for the journey, Welcome and for those that don’t, I hope to see you again.

The first actual post will be about picking the right time to go to Disney and should be up in the next couple days. I hope to have at least 1 major post a week regarding travel information or money-saving tips and at least 1 minor post with latest Disney news. There may be several changes to the structure of the site over the next month as I iron out the kinks and work on trying to make the website more magical. The next article will be up within the next few days on picking the best times to go to Disney when planning a trip, as my wife and I are currently having this same discussion in planning our next trip to Disney World next year. Disney has played a big role in my life and I hope to help other experience the wonder and magic as well!

Welcome to the blog, Thank you for reading and Happy Stitch Day!

Happy Stitch Day

Experiment 626 AKA Stitch




