You have a great trip planned for the whole family including young children. However, nothing throws in a wrench into your plans like height requirements. If this is a possibility with your party, view the Universal Studios Orlando height requirements. Even when traveling children, Universal Studios has you covered. They have rolled out a rider swap program at universal studios to help get the most out of your trip. Universal wants to try to make sure everyone gets to ride what they want. If this sounds like something you’d run into, make sure to use Universal studios rider swap.

Universal Studios rider swap works the same as other swap programs. This is available for the rides that have height requirements, which there are a few. The rides with rider swap are not posted but you can ask the ride attendant. I would recommend asking the ride attendant prior to getting in line to make sure it’s covered. Some rides handle rider swap differently with waiting areas.
How does rider swap work?
- Your party waits in line to an attraction
- Once you get to the front of the line, you will be broken into 2 groups. Group 1 will ride the attraction. Group 2 will wait with the child that is not tall enough. The group waiting with the child has to have at least one adult. Some attractions have waiting areas for the waiting groups such as with Harry Potter and Forbidden Journey, Jurassic Park, and Men In Black.
- After group 1 has enjoyed the ride, they will swap with the adults in group 2.
- Group 2 will then have their turn on the ride

The best part is that you do not have to wait in line a second time. So this helps to save a little time as it is waiting just once. This may not be available with all rides but should be for the rides that have certain height requirements. This also works for children that don’t want to ride a particular attraction. It is unclear based online, whether group 2 can bring along others with them. So if there is only 1 adult in group 2, can they bring along some. At Universal Studios, the party stays together until group1 gets on the ride. Which cause create issues for the child that is having to wait there with them.