Tag: sticking to budget

So with it being right after the New Year, it is a good time to re-evaluate expenses and a budget. This is especially after the year we all had with 2021. Budgets should always be updated at least once a year if not more often. If possible, re-evaluated monthly or every quarter is better. Creating […]
The Samsung Galaxy S20 line has been recently released along with the rumors of the newest Iphone 12 that will be rolling out later this year, which many people will flock to buy them because they are new and exciting. Many of those people will also be the ones that then wonder where their money […]
Avoid stress shopping
Have a stressful day? Week? A lot of people will jump to retail therapy to help. I’m here to tell you, put down the credit card! Many of us jump to shopping during periods of stress because it provides a sense of control. It is incredibly easy in this day and age for retail therapy […]