Tag: saving money

I feel like when I was growing up, I was always told how bad credit cards were and that I shouldn’t use them. But actually one of the biggest ways that we have saved money is by using our credit card smartly. If you use credit cards responsibly, then it can make a difference in […]
Avoid stress shopping
Have a stressful day? Week? A lot of people will jump to retail therapy to help. I’m here to tell you, put down the credit card! Many of us jump to shopping during periods of stress because it provides a sense of control. It is incredibly easy in this day and age for retail therapy […]
It is exciting to go to Disney but the cost can set you back. We talk a lot about how to save money in daily life to pay for a trip but what about when you are on your trip. Things tend to add up pretty quick, more so with a family trip. However, there […]
Do you ever wish you could bake that seems homemade but never seems to come out right? We may have an easy option for you! This is a little different from previous posts as this is for both DIY and for money-saving tips. We try to do a lot of the work for birthday parties […]
One of the biggest expenses for the typical household is the cable bill. The costs can vary from household to household but it is still an added expense. For a lot of cable plans, the total can easily be over $100 per month! At that cost, it can take up a good percentage of someone’s […]
How often does it happen that you are checking your email and find that you have a discount code for a store and instinctively go to see what you could get? It is human nature to be curious about how much you could save. This is without having anything in particular that you needed to […]
This money saving tip is for those that are 21+ years of age. If you drink alcohol on a regular or semi-regular basis, the cost can add up quite a bit. An easy way to save money here is to brew your own. The initial cost can be a little expensive depending on the size […]
Now that we are over a quarter of the way through the year, this is usually the time when budgets start to suffer. It is always around this time of year that you make purchases that aren’t in your budgets. Whether this is bills or just random purchases. We get comfortable after seeing our savings […]
Nothing seems to start the morning off right like a cup of coffee but is an added expense over the course of the year. For a lot of people, the daily routine starts at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. Don’t get me wrong, both have great coffee but it adds up quickly. A coffee can easily […]
Many of the money saving tips out there, including the ones on this site, tell people to shop sales. Which, as many people know, can be an efficient way to save money. However, this is not always the case. If you are buying something on sale just because it’s on sale, this becomes a little […]