Tag: genie plus

When you’re getting ready for your upcoming Disney vacation, it is full of excitement. But always some concern if you will be able to get the rides that you want. One of the best features Disney had in the past was Fastpass + but this went away in 2020. The Genie+ had helped some but […]
Booking a Disney vacation can be confusing at times with lots of aspects to plan out ahead of time. But things may have just gotten a little more complicated… and pricier. Disney had rolled out the new Genie Plus in the past year or so as their way of bringing back fastpasses, sort of. Upon […]
If you saw our prior article about Genie+, this is a follow-up to it that will delve into what the Disney Lightning lane actually is. First and foremost, this is part of the new system designed to replace the Fastpass system of ole. The Fastpass system had been stopped when the parks closed in early […]