Tag: fastpass+

When you’re getting ready for your upcoming Disney vacation, it is full of excitement. But always some concern if you will be able to get the rides that you want. One of the best features Disney had in the past was Fastpass + but this went away in 2020. The Genie+ had helped some but […]
Huge news dropped this morning for Fastpasses at Hollywood Studios! This was found by vigilant eyes rather than an announcement by Disney but there has been a change to the tier system. First of which is that Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run Fastpass is now available. This is one of the newest attractions at Disney World […]
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to get so much done in one day at a Disney park? You may have heard the term fastpass or Fastpass+ pop up. And if you have followed though, you may have noticed that I make several reference to fastpasses, but still may be wondering what is […]