Disney Worlds Updated Mask Policy Since Reopening

DIsney Worlds Updated Mask policy

Over the past few weeks, we have seen several updates to the mask policy at Disney world. There were a lot of details that went into planning the Disney reopening strategies but now we are seeing these policies be ironed out a little more. Part of this is due to some of the wording that had been ambiguous. We have seen the same thing happen at Universal Studios as well. We now have Disney Worlds Updated Mask Policy for any trips in the near future.

Editors note: the post was originally posted in August 2020 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness with recent changes.

Mask Policy Updated 7/30/21

With the rising cases of the pandemic, especially in Florida at the time of writing this, Disney has started to reign in some of the policies again. What this means is that masks will be required indoors and on transportation. This signals a big change from the prior update. They have also re-instituted the policy that you have to stop to eat and drink; no more walking and drinking. It has been reported that the Disney Skyliner has also gone back to individual party boarding rather than filling to capacity. It is unclear if this will continue to become more strict over time.

Mask Policy updated 5/30/21

Disney World has since relaxed their mask requirements as Orange County eased their restrictions as well. Within the past couple of weeks, masks and face coverings are now “optional in outdoor common areas”. Masks are still required for all theaters, attractions and transportation. This is a big change from the prior requirements. Part of this will also lift the restriction of standing and eating for guests to take masks down, outside at least. Social distancing also has started to decrease as well.

Previous Update

When the parks first opened, there were many questions as to what face masks/coverings would be acceptable. Since that point, we have seen that this has evolved since mid-July reopening. It was announced this past week that masks with valves would not be allowed in the parks. This was after gaiters were also restricted in the parks either. Although no word was given as to why masks with valves were banned. It is likely due to the inability to check to ensure a filter is in place. Without a filter, the masks provide less protection. Masks with holes or that do not secure at the base (bandana and gaiters) will also not be allowed. Universal Studios have made similar changes to masks with holes but have not banned masks with valves.

DIsney Worlds Updated Mask policy

Masks and Food/ Drink

A couple of weeks ago, there was an update to the policy for masks while eating. In the past, guests were able to have their masks down when carrying food as they could drink while walking. However, it is now required that the guests stop in order to both eat or drink. This is to close the loophole of moving around the park with masks pulled down. When stopped, guests will also need to maintain social distancing. We do not know how long these policies will be in place but will continue to update this with any changes.

What do you think of Disney Worlds Updated Mask Policy? Let us know in the comments!
