Disney world park hopping back in 2021!

With the reopening of the parks at Disney World, one of the biggest changes was the reservation system. With the reservations, you would be locked into going to one park per day to make sure that each park did not go above capacity. Now that limitations have been relaxed a little bit. Disney has come up with a system to bring this back. This provides a lot more options to get the most out of your Disney vacation. With Disney World park-hopping back, the question becomes how to take advantage.

How park-hopping will take place

With the new reservation system that was put in place upon the reopening, there will be a modification option starting on January 1st 2 20 21. You will book your 1st park as you normally would when planning your Disney vacation. This reservation will be good until 2:00 p.m. that day, at which time you will be able to make a second reservation. You can leave the first park earlier than this and make the 2nd reservation from your hotel. However, you cannot go to a second park any earlier than 2:00 p.m.


However, you may be limited on the park that you can go to after 2pm based on crowd levels that day. If there is high attendance, park-hopping may not be allowed or available.  It should be noted that this reservation will be valid from 2:00 p.m. till the close of the park. You will be unable to park hop more than once within a day. This will increase the value of the tickets as you will be able to experience more during your day. Although not a perfect system, it makes park hopping possible and will hopefully work well.

With Disney world park hopping back in 2021, is this something you would use? Let us know in the comments below!
