Cinderellas Royal Table Princesses Return 2023!

I have fantastic news for those who enjoy Cinderella Royal Table at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom! Soon Cinderellas Royal Table princesses return will come true! On February 28, 2023, the well-liked character experience will fully return! Princesses will be able to stop by your table once again! The experience has changed since Walt Disney World closed for the pandemic in 2020. It will finally be back after over three years!

How is the Royal table dining experience now?

Currently, character dining is not offered at this location, according to the Walt Disney World website. On February 28, characters will officially make a comeback. As of right now, you can meet Cinderella but this is downstairs in the waiting area in front of the fireplace. In the past couple of years, cinderella would make an appearance but not go to individual tables. This would allow for selfie-type pictures from a distance. 

CInderellas royal table princesses return
Photo courtesy of Disney

Recommendations for Cinderella’s Royal Table?

It is a good idea to show up about 15 minutes before your reservation. This will allow for time to get pictures with Cinderella prior to dining. However, this, of course, will change once the other princesses return. It is still a good idea to show up early, as, on occasion, you may be seated slightly early.

There is no word on whether this will mean that the prices will increase further. Currently, they are at their pre-pandemic cost but with only a quick Cinderella meeting. Meals include an appetizer, meal, and dessert. 

The current listed prices are:

  • Breakfast menu: $35 to $59.99 per adult, $29 for children
  • Lunch menu: $60 or more for each adult, $39 for children
  • Dinner menu: $60 or more for adults, $39 for children

How do you feel about the Cinderellas Royal Table princesses return to the dining experience? Let us know in the comments below!